The Complication with Conformity

There is absolutely no reason why a student should ever have to wear a school uniform. The introduction of school uniforms in public schools has been growing in the US over recent years. I don’t believe that this is the right decision. School uniforms restrict students freedom of expression and promote conformity over individuality, don’t improve academics or student safety, and they distract from more effective forms of improvement in schools.  

Firstly, School uniforms restrict students’ freedom of expression. Clothing choices are “a crucial form of self-expression,” according to the American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada. They also said that “allowing students to choose their clothing is an empowering message that a student is a maturing person who is entitled to the most basic form of self-determination.” School uniforms promote conformity over individuality. Concerned student Kyler Sumter wrote in an article for the Huffington Post, “They decide to teach us about people like Rosa Parks, Susan B. Anthony, and Booker T. Washington… We learn about how these people expressed and conquered and we can’t even express ourselves in the hallways.” Uniforms take away the ability to convey support for social groups through clothing. 75 students at Friday High School in Prince George’s County, MD, were suspended for wearing pink shirts to support breast cancer awareness.

Following this, school uniforms do not stop bullying and may increase violent attacks as well as not improving attendance, academic preparedness, or exam results. David Brunsma, PhD, professor of sociology at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, coco-authorized a sample of 10th graders. The results found that school uniforms had no effect on absenteeism, behavioral problems, substance use on campus, pro-school attitudes, academic preparedness, or peer attitudes toward school. A separate peer-reviewed study found that implementing school uniform policies had no effect on 2nd grade math or reading scores, or 10th grade reading, math, science, or history exams. In Miami-Dade County middle school fighting rates doubled after making uniforms mandatory. 

Finally, school uniforms are a distraction from the real problems in schools. Spending time and effort implementing and enforcing uniforms may distract from more effective efforts to improve student’s academic performance and safety. Examples being smaller classes, tightened security, increased parental involvement, improved facilities and more. Tom Hauliham, a former superintendent of schools in Oxford, NC, said that school uniforms “are a distraction from focusing on systematic and fundamental transformation to improve our schools.”

In conclusion, mandatory uniforms are not the right decision for schools. School uniforms restrict students freedom of expression and promote conformity over individuality, don’t improve academics or student safety, and distract from more effective forms of improvement in schools. Don’t harm our future by harming our students’ present.   

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